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Four Rooms Synopse:
In der Silvesternacht tritt Ted seinen Posten als Page in einem einstmals ehrwürdigen, mittlerweile aber heruntergekommenen Hotel an. Schon am Neujahrstag widerfahren ihm wundersame Dinge: So kriegt er es mit Hexen, die ihre Göttin zu neuem Leben erwecken wollen, einem eifersüchtigen Ehemann, zwei verzogenen Kindern, die eine grausame Entdeckung machen und einem arroganten Hollywood-Star zu tun.Four Rooms ist Krimi, Komödie von 1995 und wird von M, A produziert
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-Four Rooms – Wikipedia.Four Rooms (auch unter dem deutschen Titel Silvester in fremden Betten bekannt) ist ein Episodenfilm der Regisseure Allison Anders, Alexandre Rockwell, Robert Rodriguez und Quentin Tarantino aus dem Jahr 1995.
-Four Rooms (1995) - IMDb.It's a pity that the critics gave 'Four Rooms' as hard a time as they did back in 1995, because, for everything that can be said to be wrong with it, it ...
-Four Rooms - Film 1995 -"Four Rooms" besteht aus vier Episoden, inszeniert von vier Regisseuren - darunter Quentin Tarantino. Inhalt: Manchmal ist es doch wirklich besser, einfach mal im Bett liegen zu bleiben.
-Ähnliche Filme wie Four Rooms (1995) - kannst Du ähnliche Filme wie Four Rooms finden, und Dir weitere gute Filme aus den Kategorien Comedy anzeigen lassen.
-Four Rooms - Wikipedia.Four Rooms is a 1995 American anthology comedy film co-written and co-directed by Allison Anders, Alexandre Rockwell, Robert Rodriguez, and Quentin Tarantino, each directing a segment of it that in its entirety is loosely based on the adult short fiction writings of Roald Dahl, especially "Man from the South" which is the basis for the last one, Penthouse - "The Man from Hollywood" directed by Tarantino.
-Four Rooms (1996) - Rotten Tomatoes.Four Rooms is an enigmatic and so eccentric film that cobbles together the styling of many creative voices, all for a film that is deranged beyond recognition. Written and directed by four different directors and beautifully coalescing thanks to a brilliant performance from chameleon Tm Roth, the film is separated by four different rooms.
-Four Rooms (1995) - Rooms l'ho trovato un film immediato, gradevole, e a tratti geniale. Sarà che adoro Tarantino come fosse un Dio, ma anche questo mi è piaciuto da matti, una comicità un po fuori dagli schemi, sempre imprevedibile e intrigante, mai noiosa.
-Four Rooms (1995) - IMDb.It's a pity that the critics gave 'Four Rooms' as hard a time as they did back in 1995, because, for everything that can be said to be wrong with it, it ...
-Four Rooms - Film 1995 -"Four Rooms" besteht aus vier Episoden, inszeniert von vier Regisseuren - darunter Quentin Tarantino. Inhalt: Manchmal ist es doch wirklich besser, einfach mal im Bett liegen zu bleiben.
-Ähnliche Filme wie Four Rooms (1995) - kannst Du ähnliche Filme wie Four Rooms finden, und Dir weitere gute Filme aus den Kategorien Comedy anzeigen lassen.
-Four Rooms - Wikipedia.Four Rooms is a 1995 American anthology comedy film co-written and co-directed by Allison Anders, Alexandre Rockwell, Robert Rodriguez, and Quentin Tarantino, each directing a segment of it that in its entirety is loosely based on the adult short fiction writings of Roald Dahl, especially "Man from the South" which is the basis for the last one, Penthouse - "The Man from Hollywood" directed by Tarantino.
-Four Rooms (1996) - Rotten Tomatoes.Four Rooms is an enigmatic and so eccentric film that cobbles together the styling of many creative voices, all for a film that is deranged beyond recognition. Written and directed by four different directors and beautifully coalescing thanks to a brilliant performance from chameleon Tm Roth, the film is separated by four different rooms.
-Four Rooms (1995) - Rooms l'ho trovato un film immediato, gradevole, e a tratti geniale. Sarà che adoro Tarantino come fosse un Dio, ma anche questo mi è piaciuto da matti, una comicità un po fuori dagli schemi, sempre imprevedibile e intrigante, mai noiosa.
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